Happy Earth Day 2017!
Missoula and mother nature go hand in hand. Because of this the city has so many opportunities to lend and hand and create your own celebrations. Take a look at these events around Missoula to make your Earth Day something to talk about.
Clark Fork River Cleanup
Caras Park- Saturday, April 22 @ 9 AM - 12:30 PM
us in celebrating Earth Day by volunteering to help pick up unwanted
trash around the Clark Fork River. Join the Athleta team in giving back
to the community! There will be a complimentary BBQ in Caras Park
following the event. Call our store for more information if you would
like to volunteer!
Earth Day at The Good Food Store
Good Food Store- Saturday, April 22 @ 11 AM - 3 PM
sponsoring Earth Day activities all over town, including the Clark Fork
Coalition's River Clean Up, the Run for the Trees, and MUD's annual
Earth Day Festivities. But we're going to have some fun of our own
right here in the store. We'll be giving away a summer of fresh
vegetables from Garden City Harvest’s River Road Farm to one lucky
shopper. Plus we'll be handing out complimentary bare-root tree
saplings, while they last, to everyone who stops by after 11:00 am. And
15 folks will win one of our ECO•Takeout reusable food containers. So
stop by and make GFS a part of your Earth Day celebration.
Tree Planting Party
Missoula Grain & Vegetable Co. - Saturday, April 22 @ 9 AM - 7PM
out to our Earth Week finale down at the farm in Stevensville,
Montana.** This event is growing into the biggest tree planting party
you have ever been to. These trees... they're gonna be huge
Earth Day Celebration
UM FLAT , Free Cycles- Saturday, April 22 @ 10 AM- 10 PM
Join the FLAT for our annual Earth Day Celebration! Our day will begin at the FLAT and end at Free Cycles.
10-2pm Garden Work Day at the FLAT
2-4pm Burgers for all at the FLAT
4pm Bike mob to Free Cycles
7-10pm Live music and beverages at Free Cycles
Earth Day Activity for Kids!
Stella Blu- Saturday, April 22 @ 10 AM - 5 PM
Hooray for Earth Day! Stop by La Stella Blu on Earth Day (Saturday, April 22) for a free kid friendly activity! We will have peat pots and heirloom seeds from Five Valleys Seed Library! Pick from the different varieties of veggie and flower seeds and take something home to watch it grow!
Earth Day Explorations in Art & Science
Missoula Art Museum- Saturday, April 22 @ 9:30 - 12 PM
Meet at Missoula Art Museum and then take a discovery field trip to the Clark Fork River to collect aquatic insects and other critters with folks from the Watershed Education Network. Our specimens will provide a rich array of material to examine and draw as we gain a better understanding of our glorious watershed. Free for all ages.
Saturday + Earth Day Conversation with "By the Bike" artists
Missoula Art Museum- Saturday, April 22 @ 12 PM - 1 PM
in the Missoula Art Park for an engaging conversation with artists of
the park’s inaugural exhibition, "By the Bike," Anne Appleby and Kim
Reineking, Whitney Ford-Terry, Keith Goodhart, Jeremy Hatch, and Patrick
MUD Earth Day Celebration
Free Cycles- Saturday, April 22 @ 3 PM - 7 PM
Come celebrate, learn, and sustainably build community! Events throughout the day include kids activities, discussions, tabling, music, food and beverages, bike fixing/making and more!!
Ride your bike to the event and get a thank you from our friends over at Bicycle Benefits Missoula!!
Earth Day Kirtan with Cami and Friends
The Yoga Fitness Center- Saturday, April 22 @ 1 PM - 2:30 PM
Join us for a afternoon of enlivening music, mantra and original poetry. Kirtan is a joyous form of devotional, call-and-response chanting that originated in India centuries ago. The repetition of mantra brings us into a state of collective bliss. It is a great practice for those who think they ‘cannot meditate.’ The effect of chanting mantra is immediate – mind is stilled, heart is opened, and spirit is set free. Kirtan is non-denominational. ~ ANYONE can participate ~
25th Annual Run for the Trees
Silver Park Missoula- Saturday, April 22 @ 10 AM - 12 PM
Annual Run For The Trees. Celebrating Missoula's urban forest. Get In
Some K's On Earth Day. 10K, 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run. 10 & Under
Free in 5K & 10K. All run for free in 1-Mile. Tree saplings and
custon, multi-function head gaters to all paid participants.
Earth Day Art & Arbor Bike Ride
Missoula Art Museum- Saturday, April 22 @ 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
We have teamed up with Missoula in Motion and City Parks for a bike tour of public art and champion trees. The ride will begin at the soon-to-be revealed Missoula Art Park, travel along family-friendly routes, end at FreeCycles, and last about two hours.