Happy 46th annual Earth Day Missoula! There is an abundance of ways to celebrate this today with the ecofriendly Missoula community! For example, The ASUM Sustainability Center and the Office of Sustainability is hosting a week long Earth celebration with fantastic events held through April 30th (itinerary and contact information below). Missoula Urban Domestication or “MUD” project is holding a 5K Earth Day Fun run today (website and contact information below.) Or finally, check out E-cycling 1 year anniversary celebration in collaboration with Earth day festivities! (Info below)
EARTH WEEK 2016: Brought to you by the ASUM Sustainability Center and the
Office of Sustainability
Friday, April 22 - EARTH DAY!
9:30am in the University Center atrium - Join UM sustainability partners to celebrate the sustainability awards and UM's 2015/16 sustainability achievements
10am - UM Sustainability Awards
11am - Group bike ride to the new UM Dining gardens on the corner of Arthur and South Ave. Stay and join us for a farm-to-college lunch at the Iron Griz!
Saturday, April 23
MUD's 35th birthday and Earth Day celebration in Caras Park
Saturday, April 30
Missoula Independent's Eco Expo in the University Center
If you are interested in being involved in Earth Week activities, please contact the ASUM Sustainability Coordinator at ASUM.SUSTAIN@MSO.UMT.EDU
Missoula Urban Demonstration Project MUD – 5K Earth Day 2016 fun run. For more information and to sign up please visit their website: https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Missoula/MUDEarthDay5kMissoulaMT
E-Cycling Earth Day Celebration
Celebrate Earth Day with Opportunity E-Cycling during our 1 year anniversary! This family event will give you an opportunity to give back to the environment, learn about electronic sustainability and support a local non-profit!
April 22nd from 12p - 5p
April 23rd from 9a-3p
Where: 2821 South Russell St - E-Cycling Midtown Office Location
Food and refreshments are provided. All ages and abilities! Please no dogs. For questions or more information visit www.opportunityecycling.org or call 406.329.1790